The whole team at Yarnish hopes that you are enjoying your Easter long weekend.
Have you seen the 'What's On' tab on the website? It lets you know what classes and events are coming up soon. If you are in the Canberra area between the 2nd and 5th of May, you can catch us at Craft Alive in Canberra! If you are local, don't panic - open days are on as planned.
And while I'm recovering from a morning of chocolate - I'm thinking about the inevitable weather changes and some new products that are making me feel cosy - all products are linked back to the shop.
These pom poms are new, and seriously fluffy!
The new (to us!) Parfait yarn from Premier Yarns would be the perfect pairing to the pom pom. A soft bunny toy, or a beanie to add the pom pom to!
Easter is often the time we switch over to winter Jammies - why not make yourself a lovely pair of socks to match! The brand new range of sock yarn from Scheepjes 'metropolis' would be perfect!
Have you had a chance to catch up on any projects this long weekend? Tell me in the comments what you've managed to finish - or start!